Last night we FINALLY got confirmation that Hold It Against Me, the first single from Britney Spears‘s new album (due out in March), will be released next week (WOOT!) and today we are hearing a lot more information about her album as a whole. The New York Post is reporting all sorts of news about [...]
At LONG last, David and I got to see the amazing new film Blue Valentine, which stars Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling, last night here in LA and I am happy to report that the movie was WELL worth the wait. David and I met up with our BFFs Darion and Emma at the ArcLight in Hollywood, CA for the showing … and hands down, we all loved it entirely.

Without question, Blue Valentine is a beautiful and painful movie to watch. Without the need for special effects, 3D or big action scenes, BV is able to deliver one of the most powerful films released this year. The storyline of the film never ventures outside of the simple story of a long love affair between who people, complete with hills and valleys of happiness and despair. I was quite taken with how meaty the film is considering how simple-sounding the plot actually is. The story jumps between two opposing time periods … showcasing times of extreme happiness and extreme sadness in the relationship. Williams and Gosling expertly portray these very real characters in such a way that it’s hard to believe they were acting. Raw, real … painfully normal … Blue Valentine is just a stunning portrait of one ordinary couple’s complicated life. There has been much talk about how the film got slapped with an NC-17 rating but you can forget all about that bullshizz. There is nothing pornographic in this film … it’s just a stark look at the good and bad things about love. I loved this film, no question. It’s not a happy film but it’s one that I think y’all should check out.
Tonight, I’m gettin’ in my car and I’m trekkin’ down South to San Diego to see the Dresden Dolls in concert. It’s been a long time since I’ve roadtripped for a concert but I’m really excited to see the band LIVE for the first time. It should be a blast :)
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