The immortal Cher is featured on the cover and in the pages of the new issue of Vanity Fair magazine. Cher‘s VF coverstory is timed for the release of her new film Burlesque (which also stars Christina Aguilera who is featured on the cover of the new issue of Redbook magazine) and is chock full [...]
Yesterday was Election Day here in the US and for the most part, all of the candidates and propositions that I voted for here in California either won or passed … so, on that front, I am happy:

Naturally, I’m not at all happy with the way many elections turned out in the rest of the country but as a student of political science, I was not only prepared for it … I was expecting it. Midterm elections tend to swing back and forth wildly from one party to the other so it came as no surprise that control of the House of Representatives went to the Republican party. All 435 seats in the House go up for reelection every 2 years so it’s natural that control can change drastically from election to election. I’m actually most concerned about the 2012 election more than anything. We’ll have to see how things turn out in 2 years time.
Last night I met up with my dear Angi for dinner at La Boheme in West Hollywood, CA and we had a fantastic time together. I always have a great time just hanging out and chatting with Angi … tho, eating together adds to the fun, too ;) We had a fine night.
I have tentative plans to hang out with Adriana tonight, so hopefully those plans will pan out. It’s gonna be in the 90′s today here in La today … so, yeah, it’s gonna be a Hot Hump Day!
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